So You've Had a Bad Day (What to do if your day has been Sh*t) - Self-help
Everything gone wrong today? Things just seem to be getting worse? Nothing gone right .. at all? You need to watch this video. Ninh Ly...

Dealing with a Break Up (End of a Relationship) - Relationships Self Help
Ended your relationship or marriage? Had a break up? Just been dumped or divorced? It sucks, doesn’t it?! You’ll be going through a whole...

Ask for Pay Rise - Asking for more Salary! (Financial Self-Help)
You want more money? Feel that you’re being underpaid in your job? Well you can ask for a pay rise today! Ninh explains, Ask for Pay...

Attract More Money into your Life! - (Financial Self Help)
Wouldn’t it be nice if money just seemingly came your way? Unexpected cheque, a lottery win, finding cash on the street? Ninh explains,...